Anthocharis cardamines

English name:
Orange Tip
Full scientific name:
Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian name:

Red Book Category in EU: LC

Red Book Category in Croatia: NE

Wings span: 33-44 mm

Anthocharis cardamines, male, Moslavačka gora, 0421B3567
Anthocharis cardamines, male, Moslavačka gora, 0421B3567
Anthocharis cardamines, male, Velebit, 0512B7669
Anthocharis cardamines, male, Velebit, 0512B7669
Anthocharis cardamines, female, Moslavačka gora, 0521B7230
Anthocharis cardamines, female, Moslavačka gora, 0521B7230
Anthocharis cardamines, female, Pokupsko, 0421B4403
Anthocharis cardamines, female, Pokupsko, 0421B4403

Flight Period and Life Cycle

Flight period of Anthocharis cardamines in Croatia
Flight period of Anthocharis cardamines in Croatia

1 brood per year. Overwinters as pupa.

Distribution in Croatia

Distribution of Anthocharis cardamines in Croatia
Distribution of Anthocharis cardamines in Croatia

The entire territory. Check the included map.

External Morphology Characteristics

On the upper side of the forewing there is a dark tip. In males it continues in orange until the middle of the wing. Along the edge of the cell there is a dark spot, which is larger in the female. The upper side of the hindwing is white. In males, the underside of the forewing, in the discal and postdiscal zones is orange. There are green spots on the underside of the hindwing.


In sunny and warm weather, it rarely lands. The imago mostly feeds on the nectar of plants from the Brassicaceae family.

Caterpillar Host Plants

Family Brassicaceae.


Woodlands and edges of woodland clearances. Elevations: 0-1500m.

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