English name:
Twin-spot Fritillary
Full scientific name:
Brenthis hecate (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Croatian name:
Dvotočkasti šarenac
Flight Period and Life Cycle
1 brood per year. Overwinters as caterpillar.
Distribution in Croatia
It is rare in the north of Croatia. Check the included map.
External Morphology Characteristics
The upper side of wings is orange in color with dark spots. The butterfly looks similar to Brenthis daphne and Brenthis ino species. The identification can be made by examining the underside of the hindwings. Check here.
Imago feeds with nectar of various flowers.
Caterpillar Host Plants
Family Rosaceae.
Meadows with flowers at the edges of woodlands. Elevations: 0-1400m.