Coenonympha rhodopensis

English name:
Easter Large Heath
Full scientific name:
Coenonympha rhodopensis (Elwes, 1900)
Croatian name:
Planinski okaš

Red Book Category in EU: LC

Red Book Category in Croatia: NE

Wings span: 32-34 mm

Coenonympha rhodopensis, Velebit, 0621N1475
Coenonympha rhodopensis, Velebit, 0621N1475
Coenonympha rhodopensis, Velebit, 0620N3737
Coenonympha rhodopensis, Velebit, 0620N3737

Flight Period and Life Cycle

Flight period of Coenonympha rhodopensis in Croatia
Flight period of Coenonympha rhodopensis in Croatia

1 brood per year. Overwinters as caterpillar.

Distribution in Croatia

Distribution of Coenonympha rhodopensis in Croatia
Distribution of Coenonympha rhodopensis in Croatia

On mountains along the coast only. Check the included map.

External Morphology Characteristics

The upper side of the wings is orange-brown. The dark spot near the apex on the underside of the forewing is often missing. If it exists, then it is very small and looks more like a dot. On the underside of the hindwing, in S5-S7 discal zones, a brighter spot is visible. Moreover, in the submarginal area of some individuals, there are small spots. These small spots have a black dot in the middle and are surrounded with a brighter border.


During strong winds, it hides deeper in the grass. When lands, it keeps wings closed.

Caterpillar Host Plants

Family Poaceae.


Grassland on the slopes and rocky terrains. Elevations: >1000m.


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