English name:
Easter Large Heath
Full scientific name:
Coenonympha rhodopensis (Elwes, 1900)
Croatian name:
Planinski okaš
Flight Period and Life Cycle

1 brood per year. Overwinters as caterpillar.
Distribution in Croatia
On mountains along the coast only. Check the included map.
External Morphology Characteristics
The upper side of the wings is orange-brown. The dark spot near the apex on the underside of the forewing is often missing. If it exists, then it is very small and looks more like a dot. On the underside of the hindwing, in S5-S7 discal zones, a brighter spot is visible. Moreover, in the submarginal area of some individuals, there are small spots. These small spots have a black dot in the middle and are surrounded with a brighter border.
During strong winds, it hides deeper in the grass. When lands, it keeps wings closed.
Caterpillar Host Plants
Family Poaceae.
Grassland on the slopes and rocky terrains. Elevations: >1000m.