English name:
Short-tailed Blue
Full scientific name:
Cupido argiades (Pallas, 1771)
Croatian name:
Kratkorepi strjeličar
Flight Period and Life Cycle
2 broods per year. Overwinters as caterpillar.
Distribution in Croatia
The entire territory excluding islands. More common in the mainland. Check the included map.
External Morphology Characteristics
On the hindwing there is a tail. There are two orange spots in S2 and S3 zones next to the tail. In males, the upper side of the wings is blue with a thin and dark border. In females, the upper side of the wings is brown with a bluish glare. Next to the tail, in S2 and S3 zones, there are one or two small orange spots.
It often rests on blades of grass and ground.
Caterpillar Host Plants
Family legume (Fabaceae).
Edges of forests with grass and flowers. Elevations: 0-1000m.