Cupido minimus

English name:
Small Blue
Full scientific name:
Cupido minimus (Fuessly, 1775)
Croatian name:
Mali strjeličar

Red Book Category in EU: LC

Red Book Category in Croatia: NE

Wings span: 17-24 mm

Cupido minimus, male, Velebit, 0720L9038
Cupido minimus, male, Velebit, 0720L9038
Cupido minimus, male, Velebit, 0720L9038
Cupido minimus, male, Velebit, 0720L9038
Cupido minimus, female, Medvednica, 0521L9091
Cupido minimus, female, Medvednica, 0521L9091
Cupido minimus, female, Medvednica, 0521L9091
Cupido minimus, female, Medvednica, 0521L9091

Flight Period and Life Cycle

Flight period of Cupido minimus in Croatia
Flight period of Cupido minimus in Croatia

1-2 broods per year.

Distribution in Croatia

Distribution of Cupido minimus in Croatia
Distribution of Cupido minimus in Croatia

Entire territory. Check the included map.

External Morphology Characteristics

Cupido minimus is one of the smallest butterflies in Croatia. The underside of the wings is greyish with the bluish tint in the basal zone. There is a series of black spots in the postdiscal zone of both wings. The upper side of both wings is dark with a bit of bluish tint in the basal zone of males. Females of C. minimus and C. osiris share similarities in their external morphology and it is not possible to distinguish them reliably. If we find a female that stays and lays eggs on the host plant, it is possible to distinguish the two species more easily. C. osiris‘s host plant is Onobrychis viciifolia.


It often rests on grass and leaves of bushes.

Caterpillar Host Plants

Family legume (Fabaceae) like Anthyllis vulneraria, Astragalus, Melilotus, Oxytropis campestris.


Calcareous grassland near woodland edges. Elevations: 0-1500m.


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