Eumedonia eumedon

English name:
Geranium Argus
Full scientific name:
Eumedonia eumedon (Esper, 1780)
Croatian name:
Mrki plavac

Red Book Category in EU: LC

Red Book Category in Croatia: NE

Wings span: 24-31mm

Eumedonia eumedon, male, Velebit, 0621L5289
Eumedonia eumedon, male, Velebit, 0621L5289
Eumedonia eumedon, male, Velebit, 0621L5289
Eumedonia eumedon, male, Velebit, 0621L5289
Eumedonia eumedon, female, Lika, 0622L2567
Eumedonia eumedon, female, Lika, 0622L2567
Eumedonia eumedon, female, Lika, 0622L2567
Eumedonia eumedon, female, Lika, 0622L2567

Flight Period and Life Cycle

Flight period of Eumedonia eumedon in Croatia
Flight period of Eumedonia eumedon in Croatia

1 brood per year. Overwinters as caterpillar.

Distribution in Croatia

Distribution of Eumedonia eumedon in Croatia
Distribution of Eumedonia eumedon in Croatia

On mountains only. Check the included map.

External Morphology Characteristics

Eumedonia eumedon, female and male ID characteristics
Eumedonia eumedon, female and male ID characteristics

(1) Pale orange spots are visible on the upper side of the hindwing in females only. Orange spots are missing in males.
(2) The white streak along v5 vein of the hindwing underside is distinctive. In rare cases some individuals lack the white streak.
(3) On the underside of wings, in submarginal zone, in females, there are orange spots. In males, the orange spots are paler and there are fewer of them.


Imago exclusively feeds with nectar of Geranium flowers.

Caterpillar Host Plants

Family Geraniaceae.


Rocky meadows and slopes with host plant. Elevations: 700-1600m.


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