Hipparchia syriaca

English name:
Eastern Rock Grayling
Full scientific name:
Hipparchia syriaca (Staudinger, 1871)
Croatian name:
Istočni sivac

Red Book Category in EU: LC

Red Book Category in Croatia: NE

Wings span: 50-58mm

Hipparchia syriaca, Brač, 0715N8295
Hipparchia fagi/syriaca complex. More likely Hipparchia syriaca, Brač, 0715N8295
Hipparchia syriaca, Brač, 0713N1669
Hipparchia fagi/syriaca complex. More likely Hipparchia syriaca, Brač, 0713N1669

Flight Period and Life Cycle

Flight period of Hipparchia syriaca in Croatia
Flight period of Hipparchia syriaca in Croatia

1 brood per year. Overwinters as caterpillar.

Distribution in Croatia

Distribution of Hipparchia syriaca in Croatia
Distribution of Hipparchia syriaca in Croatia

The distribution map is questionable. It seems the species is more common in the southern coastal area. Check the included map.

External Morphology Characteristics

The butterfly is very similar to Hipparchia fagi. They overlap in the area of Dalmatia. Examination of the male genitalia is the reference method for separating two species. The upper side of the wings is brown with bright markings and a dark spot in apex. The comparison of the underside of the wings of Hipparchia semele, Hipparchia statilinus and Hipparchia fagi/syriaca complex is here.


When lands, it keeps wings closed.

Caterpillar Host Plants

Family Poaceae.


Rocky terrains with bushes and grass. Elevations: 0-1400m.


Sbordoni V., Cesaroni D., Coutsis JG., Bozano GC.: Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region, Satyrinae Part V, (2018),
https://pamperis.gr/en/morphometrics-of-hipparchia-fagi-and-h-syriaca/ and https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2010.1089

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