English name:
Grecian Copper
Full scientific name:
Lycaena ottomanus (Lefebvre, 1830)
Croatian name:
Grčki vatreni plavac
Flight Period and Life Cycle

2 broods per year.
Distribution in Croatia
External Morphology Characteristics
In males, the upper side of both wings is intensely orange-reddish with dark border in the submarginal and marginal zones. There are three small dark spots in the apex of the forewing. The dark border is more wide in the apex zone. In both sexes, there is a series of orange spots in the submarginal zone of the hindwing’s underside. The merged orange spots near the anal angle looks like an arc. Additionally, in females, the upper side of both wings is a less intense in color and there are three series of dark spots on the hindwing.
Imago feeds with nectar of flowers. Males are more active.
Caterpillar Host Plants
Genus Rumex, like R. obtusifolius and R. acetosella.
Meadows at the edges of woodland and bushes. Elevations: 50-1200m.