
This is an overview of photos and flight time of butterfly species from the Lycaenidae family.

Compare your butterfly photos and take a look in the map and flight time of Lycaenidae species in Croatia.

It’s important to note that some species of butterflies can be difficult to distinguish from each other, even for experts. In such cases, it may be necessary to examine additional physical characteristics of the butterfly, such as its behavior, habitat or genitalia examination, to make a reliable determination. Overall, while photo-based determinations can be a useful tool in identifying your butterfly, it’s important to exercise caution and check the external morphology description of the butterfly candidate on this web site. Furthermore, use additional sources of information to confirm the identification whenever possible.

Photos of some rare species are missing. I will do my best to include them in the future.

Aricia agestis, Konavle, 0521L8726
Aricia agestis, Konavle, 0521L8726

Aricia anteros, female, Velebit, 0621L4048
Aricia anteros, female, Velebit, 0621L4048

Aricia artaxerxes, Lika, 0621L6799
Aricia artaxerxes, Lika, 0621L6799

Celastrina argiolus, female, Biokovo, 0621L8570
Celastrina argiolus, female, Velebit, 0720L9788

Cupido alcetas, male, Kalinovica, 0522L2813

Short-tailed Blue, female, Pokupsko, 0920L5948
Short-tailed Blue, female, Pokupsko, 0920L5948

Cupido decolorata, female, Psunj, 0621L6321

Cupido minimus, female, Medvednica, 0521L9091
Cupido minimus, female, Medvednica, 0521L9091

Cyaniris semiargus, female, Velebit, 0614L3069
Cyaniris semiargus, female, Velebit, 0614L3069

Eumedonia eumedon, female, Lika, 0620L0713
Eumedonia eumedon, female, Lika, 0617L7244

Glaucopsyche alexis, female, Brač, 0422L3515
Glaucopsyche alexis, female, Brač, 0422L3515

Iolana iolas, male, Konavle, 0523L0543
Iolana iolas, male, Konavle, 0523L0543

Lampides boeticus, female, Brač, 0721L1333
Lampides boeticus, female, Brač, 0721L1333

Leptotes pirithous, female, Brač, 1022L3506
Leptotes pirithous, female, Brač, 1022L3506

Lycaena alciphron, female, Lika, 0618L0603
Lycaena alciphron, female, Kninska Dinara, 0722L5778

Lycaena candens, female, Velebit, 0621L0832
Lycaena candens, female, Velebit, 0621L0832

Lycaena dispar, female, Kalinovica, 0522L3322
Lycaena dispar, female, Kalinovica, 0522L3322

Lycaena hippothoe, female, Žumberak, 0821L0038
Lycaena hippothoe, female, Žumberak, 0821L0038

Lycaena ottomanus, female, Konavle, 0521L0725
Lycaena ottomanus, female, Konavle, 0521L0725

Lycaena phlaeas, female, Pokupsko, 0421L5062
Lycaena phlaeas, female, Pokupsko, 0421L5062

Lycaena tityrus, female, Pokupsko, 0421L5549
Lycaena tityrus, female, Pokupsko, 0421L5549

Lycaena virgaureae, female, Velebit, 0720L3059
Lycaena virgaureae, female, Velebit, 0720L3059

Lysandra bellargus, female, Brač, 0820L5547
Lysandra bellargus, female, Brač, 0820L5547

Lysandra coridon, female, Velebit, 0920L8256
Lysandra coridon, female, Velebit, 0816L8112

Phengaris arion, Velebit, 0720L5051
Phengaris arion, Velebit, 0720L5051

Plebejus argus, female, Mosor, 0521L4719
Plebejus argus, female, Mosor, 0521L4719

Plebejus argyrognomon, female, Sava, 0921L5540
Plebejus argyrognomon, female, Sava, 0921L5540

Plebejus idas, female, Biokovo, 0621L7589
Plebejus idas, female, Biokovo, 0621L7589

Polyommatus amandus, female, Ličko sredogorje, 0621L7562
Polyommatus amandus, female, Ličko sredogorje, 0621L7562

Damon Blue, Kamešnica, 0821L3035
Damon Blue, male, Kamešnica, 0721L7591

Polyommatus daphnis, female, Medvednica, 0718L3167
Polyommatus daphnis, female, Medvednica, 0721L5112

Polyommatus dorylas, female, Biokovo, 0621L8394
Polyommatus dorylas, female, Biokovo, 0621L8394

Polyommatus eros, female, Velebit, 0620L3908
Polyommatus eros, male, Velebit, 0720L5997

Polyommatus escheri, female, Krčić, 0621L2593
Polyommatus escheri, female, Krčić, 0621L2077

Polyommatus icarus, female, Pokupsko, 0521L4925
Polyommatus icarus, female, Pokupsko, 0521L4925
Polyommatus icarus form icarinus, male, Svilaja, 0521L4206
Polyommatus icarus form icarinus, female, Medvednica, 0922L6840

Polyommatus ripartii, female, Kamešnica, 0821L2588
Polyommatus ripartii, female, Kamešnica, 0821L2588

Polyommatus thersites, female, Medvednica, 0522L8271
Polyommatus thersites, female, Medvednica, 0522L8271

Pseudophilotes vicrama, female, Konavle, 0321L6795
Pseudophilotes vicrama, female, egg laying on Thymus serpyllum, Konavle, 0321L6795

Scolitantides orion, female, Velebit, 0720L8882
Scolitantides orion, female, Velebit, 0720L8882

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