English name:
Eastern Knapweed Fritillary
Full scientific name:
Melitaea ornata (Christoph, 1893)
Croatian name:
Termofilna trputčeva riđa
Flight Period and Life Cycle

1 brood per year. Overwinters as caterpillar.
Distribution in Croatia
External Morphology Characteristics
The upper side of the wings is orange-brown. In the postdiscal zone of the underside of the hindwing there is a series of orange spots. The orange spots are bordered by dark lines. The species is similar to Melitaea phoebe. Below is the comparison of the underside of the hindwing:

The distinguishing features of the markings on the wings of Melitaea ornata and Melitaea phoebe are as follows: In Melitaea ornata, the wavy lines appear thicker and have a triangular shape with breaks in the veins. On the other hand, in Melitaea phoebe, the lines resemble bracket signs and are either connected or almost connected on the veins.
Imago feeds with nectar of various flowers.
Caterpillar Host Plants
Centaurea species.
Nutrient-poor grasslands. Elevations: 0-1200m.