Pieris balcana

English name:
Balkan Green-veined White
Full scientific name:
Pieris balcana (Lorković, 1968)
Croatian name:
Lorkovićev balkanski bijelac

Red Book Category in EU: LC

Red Book Category in Croatia: NE

Wings span: 40-56 mm

Pieris balcana, male, Opuzen, 0521B9555
Pieris balcana, male, Opuzen, 0521B9555
Pieris balcana, male, Opuzen, 0521B9555
Pieris balcana, male, Opuzen, 0521B9555
Pieris balcana, female, Opuzen, 0521B0585
Pieris balcana, female, Opuzen, 0521B0585
Pieris balcana, female, Opuzen, 0521B0585
Pieris balcana, female, Opuzen, 0521B0585

Flight Period and Life Cycle

Flight period of Pieris balcana in Croatia
Flight period of Pieris balcana in Croatia

3 broods per year. Overwinters as pupa.

Distribution in Croatia

Distribution of Pieris balcana in Croatia
Distribution of Pieris balcana in Croatia

More common along the coast. Check the included map.

External Morphology Characteristics

The butterfly’s upper side of the wings is white with a dark tip at the apex. Females have two dark spots on the forewing, while males have only one, which may sometimes be absent. The hindwing’s underside is yellowish, with grey scales gradually arranged along the veins. In Pieris balcana, these gray scales are more spread out compared to similar Pieris napi. This difference is noticeable in the basal and discal zones and is more apparent in the first brood. It is often difficult to distinguish between these two species based on external morphology alone. Please refer to the pictures below for a visual comparison.

Pieris balcana (left) vs Pieris napi (right), lateral view, wings closed
Pieris balcana (left) vs Pieris napi (right), lateral view, wings closed


Imago feeds with nectar of various flowers.

Caterpillar Host Plants

Family Brassicaceae.


Woodlands and woodland edges. Elevations: 0-1500m.


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