Pieris mannii

English name:
Southern Small White
Full scientific name:
Pieris mannii (Mayer, 1851)
Croatian name:
Ognjičin bijelac

Red Book Category in EU: LC

Red Book Category in Croatia: NE

Wings span: 40-46 mm

Pieris mannii, male, Velebit, 0923B5627
Pieris mannii, male, Velebit, 0923B5627
Pieris mannii, male, Velebit, 0923B5627
Pieris mannii, male, Velebit, 0923B5627
Pieris mannii, female, Velebit, 0621B0410
Pieris mannii, female, Velebit, 0621B0410
Pieris mannii, female, Velebit, 0621B0410
Pieris mannii, female, Velebit, 0621B0410

Flight Period and Life Cycle

Flight period of Pieris mannii in Croatia
Flight period of Pieris mannii in Croatia

3-4 broods per year. Overwinters as pupa.

Distribution in Croatia

Distribution of Pieris mannii in Croatia
Distribution of Pieris mannii in Croatia

The entire territory but more common on the south. Check the included map.

External Morphology Characteristics

The upper side of Pieris mannii wings is predominantly white, with a dark tip located at the apex. This dark tip is symmetrical in shape. Females have two dark spots on the upper side of the forewing, while males have either one or two. In females from the first brood, there is a noticeable extension along the veins from the edge of the dark tip towards the postdiscal spot. The postdiscal spot is not circular and is instead cut on the side towards the wing’s margin. On the underside of both sexes’ forewings, there are two dark spots. The hindwing’s underside is yellowish in color, with the grey scales being more prominent in the basal zone.


Imago feeds with nectar of various flowers.

Caterpillar Host Plants

Family Brassicaceae.


Woodland and grassland with bushes and slopes. Elevations: 0-1500m.


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