English name:
Green-veined White
Full scientific name:
Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian name:
Crnožili bijelac
Flight Period and Life Cycle
3 broods per year. Overwinters as pupa.
Distribution in Croatia
The entire territory, more common on the north. Check the included map.
External Morphology Characteristics
The butterfly’s wings have a white upper side with a dark tip at the apex. Female butterflies have two dark spots on the forewing, while males have only one, and sometimes none. The hindwing’s underside appears slightly yellowish, with dark scales arranged along the veins. In similar species Pieris balcana, these dark scales are more scattered. Please refer to the pictures provided here for a visual comparison. This difference is particularly noticeable in the basal and discal zones, and it is more apparent in the first brood. It is often challenging to distinguish between these two species based on their external morphology alone.
Imago feeds with nectar of various flowers.
Caterpillar Host Plants
Family Brassicaceae.
Woodlands and woodland edges. Elevations: 0-1500m.