English name:
Safflower Skipper
Full scientific name:
Pyrgus carthami (Hübner, 1813)
Croatian name:
Obični pirgus
Flight Period and Life Cycle

1 brood per year. Overwinters as caterpillar.
Distribution in Croatia
External Morphology Characteristics
The upper side of the forewing and hindwing is similar to P. alveus and P. armoricanus species. The determination of the underside of hindwing is more reliable. Check below photo at the right side. The merged white spots at the edge of hindwing highlighted in blue color and three narrow white breaks highlighted in yellow color are distinctive.

Imago feeds with the nectar of various flowers.
Caterpillar Host Plants
Families Malvaceae and Rosaceae.
Meadows and edges of forests on rocky terrains. Elevations: 500-1200m.