English name:
Little Tiger Blue
Full scientific name:
Tarucus balkanicus (Freyer, 1844)
Croatian name:
Balkanski tigrasti plavac
Flight Period and Life Cycle

2 broods per year.
Distribution in Croatia
More common in the coastal area. Check the included map.
External Morphology Characteristics
There is a long tail on the hindwing. The upper side of both wings is blue in males and a bit more greyish in females. The tiger stripes on the underside of the wings are distinctive. In the submarginal zone of the hindwing there is a series of dark spots with a silver glare. This is one of our smallest butterflies.
More active in the morning. It is common on moist soil.
Caterpillar Host Plants
Family Rhamnaceae.
Dry and warm grassland with bushes. Elevations: 0-400m.