Thecla betulae

English name:
Brown Hairstreak
Full scientific name:
Thecla betulae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian name:
Šljivin plavac

Red Book Category in EU: LC

Red Book Category in Croatia: NE

Wings span: 30-38 mm

Thecla betulae, Medvednica, 0722L5391
Thecla betulae, Medvednica, 0722L5391

Flight Period and Life Cycle

Flight period of Thecla betulae in Croatia
Flight period of Thecla betulae in Croatia

1 brood per year. Overwinters as egg.

Distribution in Croatia

Distribution of Thecla betulae in Croatia
Distribution of Thecla betulae in Croatia

Missing on the south. Check the included map.

External Morphology Characteristics

In males, the upper side of wings is brown in color. In females, the upper side is brown with a wide orange streak in the postdiscal zone of the forewing. The underside’s marginal zone is golden-brown in color. In the marginal zone of the forewing there is a white streak. Furthermore, in the marginal zone of the hindwing there are two white streaks.


It rarely goes to flowers. It usually stays on bushes or trees with closed wings.

Caterpillar Host Plants

Family Prunus.


Edges of the woodland. Elevations: 100-1300m.

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